Saturday, April 26, 2008

Disaster is Inevitable -- SQL Injection: Poorly Written Code and No Backups!

Let me start out by saying: the best response to a disaster is backup you can count on.

Found a scary story today about hundreds of thousands of websites using Microsoft IIS and SQL Servers being affected by Internet-wide SQL injection attacks. The story originally reported by F-Secure is now on Slashdot as well.

On the IIS forum, panic is visible. Those who had backups are breathing a sigh of relief like one administrator who commented, "We have been hit by this as well. Lucky backup ran last night just prior to the attack."

Others without backups are just screwed.

F-secure reports in an update to the story, "Do note that this attack doesn't use any vulnerabilities in any of those two applications. What makes this attack possible is poorly written ASP and ASPX (.net) code."

Although this attack is targeted towards IIS and SQL Server, there are lessons to be learned for sites using other servers and databases. There are several guides available on the Internet that will show you how to secure your application against SQL Injection attacks, like one that is focused on securing PHP and MySQL applications.

In this year's "Disaster is Inevitable--Are you Ready" presentation at the MySQL Conference (Yes, I have read Baron's post), I covered a few types of disasters. However, I missed an important kind of disaster: ones that are caused by SQL Injection. My next presentation on this topic will certainly cover this. BTW, if you missed my presentation, you can thank Artem Russakovskii, who took meticulous notes that you can read.

What saddens me is comments like, "but we have all patches applied to the version we are using." There is of course, a disconnect here as far as understanding the problem is concerned.

Patches don't secure you against SQL injection attacks; Properly written code does. Sanity check is very important!

Replication as a backup method won't help against SQL Injection
Based on my survey, a disturbingly high number of sites use replication as their backup strategy. If replication is your sole method of backup, then beware, SQL injection based disasters aren't going to help. Unless, of course, you have time delayed slaves and are able to stop replication before the slaves are affected.

Every year there are a number of backup related presentations at MySQL Conference. All, except one of the following, were presented this year!:

- What do you mean there's no backup? -- A timeless presentation by Mike Kruckenberg and Jay Pipes originally presented in 2006.
- Backup and Recovery Basics by Kai Voigt
- MySQL Backups go near continous by David Wartell
- MySQL Online Backup: An In-depth presentation by Chuck Bell
- Online Backup, Open Replication and a world of contribution by Lars Thalmann and Chuck Bell
- Performing MySQL Backups using LVM Snapshots by Lenz Grimmer
- Top 5 Considerations While Setting Up Your MySQL Backups

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