The detailed error messages were located in /tmp/install. Most errors were related to unallocated space in UFS something that may be explainable by the fact that it is an expanding file system and for a virtual machine. However most installations were successful so I decided to ignore the errors for now (after logging) and proceed.

Next was the confirmation screen for additional software which had installed successfully.

At this point you should be seeing a reboot screen like the one displayed below

Upon reboot, there were some errors related to scratch registers. I will investigate them later but for now, let's continue. These errors relate to the fact that we are running as a virtual machine.

At this point the virtual machine froze for a long time so I decided to stop and start the execution again. This time I got the "All devices are configured" message followed by a question about whether I would like to overwrite the system's default NFS version 4 domain name. I answered no.

Then Solaris started in GUI mode. At this point I can finally login.

When you login for the very first time, you will be presented with the option of choosing the default desktop.

At this point, I will like to get the networking working (:)) as that has been an issue so far. I will continue from this point on in my next post.
Installing Solaris 10 on Mac Book: part 1
Installing Solaris 10 on Mac Book using Parallels: part 2
Installing Solaris 10 on Mac Book using Parallels: part 3
Installing Solaris 10 on Mac Book using Parallels: part 4
Installing Solaris 10 on Mac Book using Parallels: part 5
1 comment:
Hi Frank,
your documentation of Solaris10 inst is a fine work. I did pretty the same with an older DVD release. But networking remains the issue for my tries with Solris10 and 9. I could not yet find and configure the NICs.
Did you already figure out the how tos?
Gruss! Carsten
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