Friday, April 28, 2006

Applied Ruby on Rails and AJAX

It's hard to believe that MySQL Users Conference is over. Though each day seemed like very long, it went pretty fast.

My Applied Ruby on Rails and AJAX session was the last session at the MySQL Users Conference and was happening at the same time as Jim Starkey's Falcon storage engine. I was kinda worried about the attendance at first, but when my session started, I saw people standing in the back (full room). A lot of questions were asked at the end. Thanks to everyone who attended.

Harrison Fisk, my session buddy, presented me with a speaker's gift from MySQL, which was a very nice MySQL pen (Thanks).

At the end of the session I was told that there were about 114 people attending my session, roughly the same amount of folks that attended Jim's session, Wow!.

As I was walking out of the ballroom, I ran into Jay Pipes who told me that he was just talking to some people and they said the session was very informative.

I had asked in my session for everyone to give me their business card if they would like to receive a free copy of my book, Pro Rails, as it gets completed. I received many cards, some with very good feedback. If you were at my session, and forgot to give me your business card, you can leave a comment here and I will send you the book once it is ready.

I will be putting the slides online as soon as I am back in Georgia. Currently, I am in Monterey.

I met so many good people at the conference and had a great time socializing. Like Mike says in his post, MySQL Users Conference winds down, the conference had a great social element to it. I will be jotting down the names of friends I met at the conference in a later post.

Overall, it felt so good to meet fellow PlanetMySQL bloggers and the MySQL team.

Jeremy Cole has posted a lot of good photos on his MySQL UC 2006 Gallery, so check it out (Thanks Jeremy).

1 comment:

Frank said...

Thank you Ronald for your kind words and support. I am very jazzed that I got to meet you and chat with you for sometime at the lunch. I wish there was more time. Thanks for sharing all the tips.
