Wednesday, September 13, 2006

MySQL: Pure virtual function called

Today after I noticed MySQL repairing some MyISAM tables and after investigation I found the following errors:
Today Pure virtual function called
Fatal signal 6 while backtracing
060913 15:48:40 mysqld restarted

Now I am working on finding the cause for these errors. The error seems to indicate a situation where objects that are not fully initialize call the virtual functions, however I am still investigating. Comments are welcome.


Anonymous said...

I think this is abug in the server.
Pure virtual function is a function of which the signature is declared in a c/c++ header, but the body is never implemented in a source file.
When that function is called, that will give this kind of runtime error.

Roland Bouman

Anonymous said...

C++ only. C is a OO free language.

I remember I was upset when I found out MySQL is written in "limited C++", someone's ridiculous idea.

Anonymous said...

C++ bug. C is OO free language.

I remember I was upset when I found out the fact that MySQL was written in 'limited C++', someone's ridiculous idea.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think that "C plus" is the nickname fondly used to refer to the C mannerism employed in MySQL.

The "ridiculous" (or genius?) idea is Monty's as I understand it.