There can be several possible reasons for these sudden drops. I am working on the issue and will be posting the results. Have you experienced something similar?
Specializing in big data deployments using MySQL / NoSQL Solutions. Topics: [mysql tutorial] [database design] [mysql data types] [mysql commands] [mysql dump] [database development] [mysql training] [mysql scalability] [mysql sharding] [mysql performance tuning]
[root@srv31 ~]# mkdir /google
[root@srv31 ~]# cd /google/
[root@srv31 google]# svn checkout http://google-mysql-tools.googlecode.com/svn/t runk/ google-mysql-tools
A google-mysql-tools/compat_logging.py
A google-mysql-tools/compact_innodb.py
A google-mysql-tools/compat_flags.py
A google-mysql-tools/thread_pool.py
A google-mysql-tools/COPYING
A google-mysql-tools/mypgrep.py
A google-mysql-tools/config_helper.py
A google-mysql-tools/dbspec_lib.py
A google-mysql-tools/command_pool.py
Checked out revision 2.
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