Wednesday, December 28, 2005

What could be causing this?

I recently migrated a Nucleus CMS from MySQL 4.x to MySQL 5.0 but upon migration, I get the following message

ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'i.inumber' in 'on clause'

when running the query:

SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.iblog as blog, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, m.memail as authormail, m.murl as authorurl, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed, t.tags as tags, t.item_id as item_id FROM nucleus_item as i, nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c LEFT join nucleus_plug_tags as t ON t.item_id=i.itemid WHERE i.iauthor=m.mnumber and i.iblog=1 and i.icat=c.catid and i.idraft=0 and (( match (ititle,ibody,imore) against ('aids') > 0 ) or ( t.tags LIKE '%/aids/%') ) and i.itime<="2005-12-28 19:15:54" ORDER BY i.itime DESC;

The interesting thing is that the column exists in the table and no change has been made. Any ideas what would be causing this?



Just noticed that the following works

SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.iblog as blog, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, i.itime, i.imore as more, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed, t.tags as tags, t.item_id as item_id FROM nucleus_item as i LEFT join nucleus_plug_tags as t ON t.item_id=i.inumber WHERE i.iblog=1 and i.idraft=0 and (( match (ititle,ibody,imore) against ('aids') > 0 ) or ( t.tags LIKE '%/aids/%') ) and i.itime<="2005-12-28 19:15:54" ORDER BY i.itime DESC;

What could be causing this? When I shorten the query, it works but not when other tables are involved?

Any ideas??

Monday, December 26, 2005

MySQL error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)

A friend of mine was getting the following error and called me up. After telling him how to fix it, I decided to post it here too.
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)
The solution was simple, just start MySQL :)

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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Open Encyclopaedia - Web 2.0 Style

Sometime ago I learned how hard it can be dealing with DMOZ and the so-called Open Directory Project. My lessons learned were that the open directory was open for the editors, and not for everyone. Since that time I have read some shocking specualtion about what goes on at the open directory project.

With Wikipedia I learned this year that unless the topic you want to write about interests a million people, they won't let you publish it.

So where should the developing news and information go to gain an audience without breaking the budget?

For sometime now, I have been working on a web 2.0 style project that aims to add some innovative features on top of certain concepts taken from web 2.0, Wikipedia, and ODP. The alpha version of this project is available online at with many features planned and coded but not yet deployed. Contributors will be able to tag their contributions for organizing purposes. In the next update, the project will feature syndication technologies incorporating RSS and mobile Web applications.

After registering for free, users can contribute resources (Blog URL, News story, podcast, video podcast, RSS, XML, Atom, MS Word, MS Excel, PDF etc) to and earn points. New members get 500 points just for joining.

Please help: I have limited resources for this project and can use your support. Your advice, ideas and suggestions are highly appreciated. I am also looking forward to get sponsorship from companies in exchange for advertising so the project can be supported. (See below for my e-mail address)

Thank you for taking the time to read about the project.

Open Encyclopaedia Blog
Open Encyclopaedia Wiki